Uniquely yours

Finding your own rhythm

Prachi Nain
2 min readMar 6, 2024

You should see my husband bake his epic sourdough pizza.

It’s Friday night, and the kids are practically drooling with anticipation. You’d think it’s a culinary Olympics! Our home chef, my husband, takes his pizza creation very seriously.

Each time, he rates it on a scale of 10, and trust me, it’s a fierce competition against his own standards. The kitchen is his battleground, and the ingredients are his troops, lined up like soldiers ready for action.

To me, the soft and supple dough feels like the cheeks of a chubby baby — cute but not to be touched by anyone but him. When the oven buzzes, it’s game on. 🔥

Flour flies, cheese dances, and basil leaves pirouette onto the pizza. The oven door is the gate to flavor and must be swift! It’s a whirlwind of activity, a pizza-making symphony.

In just a few minutes, we have a pizza that could rival the best in Naples.

Mission accomplished.

You should see my daughter study a complex topic like redox chemical reactions.

With assignments due and exams approaching, the pressure is enough to make anyone break a sweat. But not her. She’s like a serene lake in a lush green forest, cool as a cucumber.

Instead of inhaling her textbook, she takes a deep breath and dives in, savoring each concept like a fine wine. While we expect her to rush, she’s the master of slowing down when it matters most.

Her notes are not just notes; they’re masterpieces! If you peek into her notebook, you’d think she’s creating art, not studying. Ionic bonds look like they belong in a gallery. She may take her time, but it’s all part of her genius plan. It’s like she’s sculpting her path to success, one chemical reaction at a time.

Mission accomplished.

Both of them accomplish their goals. Their process differs.

It’s about finding your own rhythm, whether you’re a fiery whirlwind like my husband or a tranquil lake like my daughter.

Sometimes, slowing down can be the ultimate power move, and both approaches can lead to success.

Remember to be your own kind of force of nature, whether you’re making pizzas or conquering chemistry.

Here’s to a thrilling rest of 2024 filled with accomplishments that are uniquely yours! ❤️ 🙌

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Prachi Nain

I write about mental clarity, thinking, and writing. Creator of '10x your mind' newsletter.